Installation and Setup ====================== This section introduces how to setup a ``conda`` environment with everything needed to perform volume potential evaluations. Conda Setup ----------- Download and install ``miniconda`` or ``anaconda``. For ``miniconda``, follow the instructions at For the impatient, the following script installs and creates a ``conda`` environment for later use. .. code-block:: bash wget sh . ~/miniconda3/etc/profile.d/ conda create -n scicomp conda activate scicomp Then, make the ``conda-forge`` channel default. .. code-block:: bash conda config --add channels conda-forge Install Dependencies -------------------- Install dependencies using ``conda`` (after activating the newly created environment). .. code-block:: bash conda install python=3 conda install pyopencl pocl sympy scipy conda install matplotlib mayavi pyvtk Install ``dealii`` as well for additional features. .. note:: Deal.II is used only for adaptive mesh refinement (AMR). .. code-block:: bash conda install cmake tbb-devel dealii Also, to use ``gmsh`` via its Python API, .. code-block:: bash conda install gmsh python-gmsh And here are some optional dependencies. Install these if you intend to develop the library or build this documentation. .. code-block:: bash conda install flake8 pylint mypy pylama conda install pytest sphinx sphinx_rtd_theme Note that if you are using ``jupyterlab`` or ``jupyter`` notebook, you need to also install them inside the ``conda`` environment. For example, .. code-block:: bash # nodejs is needed for installing extensions conda install jupyter jupyterlab jupytext nodejs jupyter-labextension install jupyterlab-jupytext jupyter-labextension install jupyterlab_vim Install Volumential ------------------- We recommend downloading :py:mod:`volumential` using ``git``. .. code-block:: bash # clone via SSH git clone # clone via HTTPS git clone Then finish installation by running .. code-block:: bash cd volumential # installs volumential along with some additional # dependencies not present in conda-forge pip install -r requirements.txt Compile the AMR Module ---------------------- The AMR module is implemented based on ``dealii``. To use it, compile the ``meshgen`` module under ``contrib/meshgen11_dealii``. .. code-block:: bash cd contrib/meshgen11_dealii git submodule update --init --recursive make If the build process fails with the error message ``The keyword signature for target_link_libraries has already been used with the target ...``, try editing ``CMakeLists.txt`` and change line 52 from ``if(TRUE)`` to ``if(FALSE)``. Then remove the ``build`` directory and re-run ``make``. If you are using manually compiled ``dealii`` instead of the one from ``conda-forge``, set the ``DEAL_II_DIR`` environment variable to its installation path before calling ``make``. Alternatively, there is another implementation of the AMR module using ``boost::python`` under ``contrib/meshgen_dealii``. The compilation process is similar. It is in deprecated status. But if you have troubles compiling the ``pybind11`` one, it may worth a try. After installation, checkout ``examples/`` for example usage. Run Tests --------- ``volumential`` supports testing using ``pytest``. To test the installation, ``cd`` into ``test/`` and run .. code-block:: bash pytest By default, some slow tests are skipped for CI efficiency. To include those in the testing, use instead .. code-block:: bash pytest --longrun Update the Installation ----------------------- The update process is simple using the ``requirements.txt``. .. code-block:: bash git pull git submodule update --init --recursive pip install -U -r requirements.txt